Stalex House Roundup #1: Cucumbers vs Ants, 3am Wake Up Call and Replacing Plexiglass on a Ford Ranger Cab

News & Updates
March 02, 2020

Bringing you the "Stalex House Roundup Volume #1"!

Here are some things you may have missed, things we did, ate, thought, dominated and got dominated by over the last few weeks...

The Art of Espresso

Coffee Saturdays. When it is cold, me and Stacey get Venti Chai Tea Lattes.

Venti Chai Tea Latte:

  • Soy or Almond milk
  • 2 pumps of Chai
  • No water

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Stacey's Latest Obsession (Sashka Bracelets)

They're a local company benefiting handmade artisans in Nepal!

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Dinner of Savage Champions and Gods

Stacey's broccoli and sweet potato. Alex's  tenderloin, broccoli and avocado.

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Spike and Tima are Becoming Friends

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Replacing Plexiglass on a Ford Ranger Camper

This past Saturday with the help of my Dad we replaced Stacey's plexiglass on a Ford Ranger camper. Took a while but we got it done.

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Green Van

If the van is white stay out of sight.
If the van is black you're about to get wacked.
If the van is green come on right in!

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My Favorite Night Time Teas

My favorite two teas to drink before bed. Raspberry Leaf and Chamomile with Lavender.

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Greek Yogurt Prep

My Greek Yogurt prep for the next morning. This yougurt mix includes raisins, beepollen, oats, chiaseeds and cacao powder.

See this post on my 2 mixes I make and eat almost on daily basis.

3AM Wake Up Call

Nothing like being woken up at fucking 3am in the morning to the most annoying chirp sound in the world. Then having to drive to Wal-Mart to buy a 9volt battery to replace it.

Should have smashed it.

Parking Situational Awareness

I back into a parking spot. I have a clear view of the entrance to the left and entrance to the right. Both are also my exits.

Fence at my back. Side mirrors are a glance away. There will be no surprises.

It's quite. Peaceful. I wait.

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Corn Pizza Toping

"Do you want corn on a pizza?"

"Is that a serious question? I'll pass."

Few weeks later...

"Do you have any corn for my pizza?"

Pizza we buy most of the time is Monteli 3-Cheese Pizza then add our own toppings.

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Cucumber VS Ants

Today I learned that the scent of cucumber covers up the odor created by the ants, and detracts ants from returning to that area of your home. Repel ants without the use of any chemicals.

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Natura: Cabernet Sauvignon Wine

Fresh Market on a Friday night was surprisingly empty. There were 3 or 4 other people in the entire store.

"Would you like a cart?" asked employee.
"I only have a couple of things." I replied.
"You can buy more if you have one of these!" pointing to the cart.
"Exactly" said Stacey.

We quickly left the employee so he could bother other 3 people in the store.

I stopped at the wine section on our way out. In the dimly lit corner I found this organic wine, Natura Cabernet Sauvignon.

Time to uncork this bottle and watch "Parasite" movie.

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